

    • Combining Human and AI in Innovation: Recognize what makes innovation uniquely human, like creativity and purpose, and understand AI’s supportive non-replacing role.
    • Maximizing Early-Phase Creativity: Dive deep into creativity enduring incompleteness and uncertainty, with AI as a knowledge-rich ally, freeing up valuable time.
    • Building Winning Business Cases: Shape ideas into holistic concepts that address both rational mind as emotions, AI aiding in research—know when and where to apply it.
    • Targeting Resources Effectively: Implement robust governance and gatekeeping to focus resources on high-potential projects. How can AI support it? And is management willing to allow it?
    • Making AI Work in NPD: Learn why most AI projects fail and master the strategies to integrate AI successfully in NPD.


The seminar is designed for executives and senior managers as well as innovation managers who are responsible for maximizing the returns on their innovation efforts in the fields of Business Development, R&D, Product Management, Marketing and Operations Management.



  • Three essential lectures on innovation management:
    • Uncovering strategies to generate impactful ideas
    • Crafting compelling business cases that win support
    • Making effective decisions to prioritize resources
  • Explore two detailed industry case studies showcasing successful innovation practices
  • Reflection sessions to digest insights
  • Multiple opportunities for networking and exchange between the participants and experts
  • Blended learning approach with videos to prepare for the seminar and post-read articles to delve deeper into a topic.
  • 1:1 consulting session, how to best apply the seminar topics


Dr. Robert G. Cooper

… is one of the most influential innovations thought leaders in the business world today. He pioneered the original research that led to many groundbreaking discoveries including the Stage Gate® Idea to Launch process.

He has published more than 130 academic articles (6+ on AI and New Product Development) and 11 books, including the best selling “Winning at New Products”. Cooper is ISBM Distinguished Research Fellow at Pennsylvania State University’s Smeal College of Business Administration, USA, and Professor Emeritus, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Cooper’s seminars regularly receive top ratings: „Inspiring, profound, captivating, practical and effective!“

Dr. Robert G. Cooper

Peter Fürst

… is an expert in optimizing innovation systems with 20+ years of high-level innovation consulting experience with specific focus on governance and decision making in new product development. Peter is a lecturer in innovation management at the FH Vorarlberg and FH Bern. Peter’s passion is nurturing good ideas and guiding them to their realization. One of these ideas has been Qi – Qualify your innovation (a program to support professional gatekeeping) which has been realized 3 years ago.

Gerhild Winnig

… creative ideas and solutions as well as helping organizations forge a strong culture of innovation all belong to Gerhild’s strengths. An experienced coach and moderator, Gerhild is the ideal partner to guide innovation and change management projects. Her motivational skills are renowned. She is particularly adept at guiding project teams along the path from idea to successful innovation, which she sometimes does with unconventional means. Did we say unconventional? Besides her solid background in classical consulting, Gerhild has recently added a certification in equine-assisted coaching to her repertoire!
Dr. Angelika Dreher

Philipp Wichert

… is an innovation management expert with more than 12 years of experience in industry-oriented R&D and innovation management plus 4 years as consultant.  At TIM Consulting he is currently researching and consulting to topics like AI in innovation management and cross industry innovation.

TIM Consulting


Dr. Angelika Dreher

Dr. Simon Münzer

… is an expert in innovation and portfolio management working for more than 15 years in the chemical industry at KRONOS. His experience covers the areas of new product development, technology and platform development as well as production-related capital expenditure projects. He is the owner of a large number of tailor-made Stage Gate and portfolio processes and currently he manages a strategy initiative for industrial decarbonization with several hundred projects.




Dr. Máté Nagy

… is an experienced Portfolio & Development Director with a demonstrated history in the paper industry (Glatfelter). There he has taken innovation governance to a new level, by institutionalizing gates with teeth and serious new product project portfolio management, facilitating  over 100 project managers and resource owners.  Besides his expertise in Stage-Gate® he is a product management professional with a Lean Six Sigma and DFSS background. Recently he joined the team of five is innovation tools GmbH.

Dr. Angelika Dreher


"This event was very important for our company and for me personally. Cooper’s best practice advice helps us tremendously to further improve our innovation management and innovation controlling. The seminar is the best I could possibly recommend!"

Dr. Jens Wieboldt , Director R&D, PolymerLatex GmbH

"For anybody who is responsible for innovation it is a crucial experience to understand how Bob Cooper thinks about R&D and innovation management. He has the big picture! And he shares his rich and deep experience also regarding important details. If you haven’t yet, I can only recommend to participate in one of his seminars."

Dr. Christoph Irle, VP Global Innovation and Synthesis Isocyanates,
Covestro Deutschland AG

"The seminar had a strong impact on our ability to advance our process. And it triggered a good momentum."

Päivi Paakkarinen,
Head of Portfolio and Program Management Innovation Excellence,
Neste Corporation

"Bob Cooper is an excellent speaker and teacher. The seminar was exciting and inspiring as well as pragmatic and goal oriented. The content has exactly met our needs, and we can immediately incorporate it into our company’s innovation practices."

Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Begemann, Vice President New Technologies,
Voith GmbH

"Dr. Cooper has already been #1 in NPD for years and makes excellent presentations. He always comes up with practical solutions."

Dr. Mario G.R.T. de Cooker, Senior Technology Advisor,
DSM, The Netherlands

"… it has been a long time since I’ve walked away from a course with so much useful information and a list of must dos!"

Chuck Williams, Technical Director, Avery Dennison, USA

"The professional content of the course is highly relevant and was elegantly presented by Robert Cooper. Especially all good examples and case stories from ‘the real world’ were great!"

Bo Jorgensen, Head of Automotive Product Development,
Bang & Olufsen, Denmark



Golfparkallee 2
64579 Gernsheim-Allmendfeld
(35 km / 25 min. South of Airport Frankfurt)

Tel.: +49 (0) 6157 95891 0


five i‘s innovation deutschland gmbh
Kaiserstrasse 7
14109 Berlin


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